Move your career up with the 21st Century leadership skills of Strategic Planning.  Every organization needs to position itself differently for success in this century. And only leaders can both create a successful strategic plan and oversee its implementation.

Create a new leadership skill that will last a lifetime, and outlast industry and career changes. Come away with both the conceptual tools and a new leadership approach to move from dreams to reality for your organization, and your career.

CEUs/ILUs: 1.6
Length (in hours): 16
Price in USD $195.00
Price in CAD $265.00


Unit 1

Think differently

  • What Strategic Planning Is, and Isn’t
  • Strategic Planning is What Leaders Do
  • How to think strategically - -  it’s different
  • Why strategic plans fail


Unit 2

The 6 Components of Strategic Planning

  • Building the approach
  • Constructing objectives
  • Forming strategies
  • Assigning tactics

Unit 3

Needs assessment, Market research, Environmental scanning

  • Finding trends and industry directions
  • Scanning the environment
  • An 8 Stage Model for Needs Assessment and Marketing Research
  • Scoping out your competition for strategic planning

Unit 4

Your Vision as a Leader

  • Matching the market with your vision
  • Never have one idea (and why)
  • When hunches work, when they don’t
  • Where do you want to go

Learn about the other courses which are part of the same certificate:

Next start date

Sep 3 – 28