In the 21st century, half of all learning will be online.  The opportunities are tremendous for teaching online.  Discover how to plan, develop and teach an online course. Take home a ten step model for developing your online course.  Experience one of the most advanced online classrooms for teachers. Learn how to create online audio lectures with slide shows. Plus, find out how self quizzes enhance learning.

See an animation, drop-and-drop exercise, and dynamite welcome pages.  Engage in online discussion with other teachers. An instructor’s book, Advanced Teaching Online, is included.

CEUs/ILUs: 1.6
Length (in hours): 16
Price in USD $195.00
Price in CAD $265.00

One month course


Unit 1

How the Internet is Changing How We Learn

  • The Top 10 reasons cognitive information is delivered better by the Internet
  • Learning online
  • Learning in-person; what you cannot do on the Internet
  • How young people learn differently online
  • The Brain and Learning online

Unit 2

Building Your Online Course

  • The Ten Step Model
  • How knowledge is organized online
  • Building online content
  • Creating audio and video presentations
  • Development time and cost

Unit 3

Teaching Your Online Course

  • Facilitating online discussions
  • Creating a safe online learning environment
  • Responding to student questions and needs
  • How much time you should spend online
  • Evaluating your online course

Unit 4

Creating Assessment and Measuring Online Learning

  • Designing online assessment
  • Multiple assessments
  • Assessment as a learning tool
  • Grading in the 21st century
  • Best Practices in Online Teaching

Hear from our past students

Thank you so much for all your preparation and well-presented information. It was eye opening and thought provoking.
- Susan Banker
Thank you for opening my mind to the possibilities! I will be teaching my first online course in October and was a bit nervous. You have all helped me to understand more and be open to the possibilities. It was great sharing this experience with you! Thanks Bill and Mary for sharing your expertise. I would recommend this course to everyone.
- Phyllis Frederickson

Learn about the other courses which are part of the same certificate:

Next start date

Feb 3 – 28, 2025