Learning to build your customer service skills will have a powerful impact on your career success as well as success in other areas of your life.  Through this course you will discover the direct relationship between service skills and career achievement.  You will become skilled at being an exceptional service provider.  You can help your organization and your career by translating your good service intentions into a workable plan and gain knowledge of ways to consistently deliver great service.  The payoff is enormous.

CEUs/ILUs: 1.6
Length (in hours): 16
Price in USD $145.00
Price in CAD $195.00

One Month Course


Unit 1

  • Understand Service Matters
  • Longevity and Loyalty
  • Cost of a Lost Customer
  • Engage Your Customer

Unit 2

  • Listen to Your Customer
  • Active Listening
  • Avoid Improper Listening
  • The Power of Feedback

Unit 3

  • Web Sites and Electronic Communication
  • Web-Based Customer Service
  • Disadvantages of Web-Based Customer Service
  • Evaluate Your Web-Based Customer Service

Unit 4

  • Customer Turnoffs
  • Exceed customer expectations
  • Recognize and categorize customer turnoffs
  • Deal with customer expectations and turnoffs

Hear from our past students

I enjoyed this class. I liked the variety of learning methods used (videos, readings and discussions).
- Shonda Petree
Build this skill for life. Thank you.
- Peng Lan

Learn about the other courses which are part of the same certificate:

Next start date

Feb 3 – 28, 2025