Road test evaluation research for your organization. You won’t be disappointed.  Evaluation research can give you and your organization a systematic assessment of the value of resources and time you commit to a project, product, or specific goal. Evaluation research can determine whether or not a process has achieved a goal or yielded the desired results.
Get introduced to the characteristics of evaluation research and how it can be directly applied to assess the impact or effectiveness of a program, policy, or procedure you want to road test in a professional setting.

CEUs/ILUs: 1.6
Length (in hours): 16
Price in USD $195.00
Price in CAD $265.00


Unit 1

Setting the Stage for Evaluations

  • What is evaluation?
  • Why do we do it?
  • Needs assessment: first step in evaluation planning
  • Share your scenario for something you might evaluate in your professional setting

Unit 2

Practical Issues in Planning and Implementing Evaluations – Part 1

  • Individual readiness issues
  • Organizational readiness issues
  • Self-assessing your own readiness as an evaluator
  • Identify key stakeholders: users of evaluation results
  • Students share readiness issues (individual, organizational, and self) in related discussion forum

Unit 3

Practical Issues in Planning and Implementing Evaluations – Part 2

  • What is a ‘situation analysis’ and how to conduct one
  • Focusing your evaluation goals and how you will measure them
  • Drafting your plan
  • “Dress rehearsal” meeting with key stakeholders to set their expectations
  • Students share drafts of their individual situation analysis

Unit 4

Practical Issues in Planning and Implementing Evaluations – Part 3

  • Implementing the plan
  • Managing time and cost factors
  • Keeping lines of communication open with key stakeholders during evaluation
  • How to prepare the final evaluation report
  • Post-evaluation follow-ups with key stakeholders (what have they learned? Are they using the results?)
  • Students share drafts of their individual evaluation plans

Learn about the other courses which are part of the same certificate: