Delve further into Power Query to ETL (Extract, Transform and Load) your data. Build the Data Model using modeling features and relationships. Perform calculations using  DAX (Data Analysis Expressions) functions. Utilize Time Intelligence functions to view YoY or YTD reports. Add user friendly features to enhance your reports.

CEUs/ILUs: 1.6
Length (in hours): 16
Price in USD $195.00
Price in CAD $265.00

One Month Course


Unit 1

Power Query

  • Review the ETL Process
  • Insert columns using different methods
  • Group, Summarize, Pivot, and UnPivot data
  • Merge and Append queries

Unit 2

Data Modeling

  • What Data Modeling is
  • Modeling Options
  • Create and manage relationships
  • Create Date table

Unit 3


  • Introduction to DAX
  • Calculate columns and measures
  • Time Intelligence functions
  • Quick Measures

Unit 4


  • Filters versus Slicers
  • Visual Hierarchies and Drill downs
  • Drillthrough
  • Define visual interactions
  • Apply conditional formatting

Learn about the other courses which are part of the same certificate:

Next start date

Oct 7 – Nov 1